Fertilising non-flowering plants

Often when we think about fertiliser we only look at things like flowers, fruit trees, vegetables and lawns, but what about all of the plants in your garden that you may be growing as a privacy screen, hedge or as ornamental foliage plants? People often forget that these plants, just like any other, also need fertiliser.

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Living Legends, Melbourne

Situated in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne, lies Living Legends, home to many retired champion racehorses.
A visit to meet the horses at Living Legends will have you saying hello to Apache Cat and other old favourites too; including Who Shot the Barman, Tom Melbourne, Fields of Omagh, Brew and many others.
Living Legends is not only about the horses, but also about the historic homestead and the beautiful gardens which surround it. Andrew Clarke, CEO, and veterinary doctor at the property has been a driving force in the development of the entire site, including the gardens around the homestead. Neutrog is delighted to have been along for the entire journey.

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