Rare Fruit Arboretum

Rare Fruit Arboretum

The establishment of the Rare Fruit Arboretum at Neutrog’s Kanmantoo site is a joint venture between Neutrog and the Rare Fruit Society of South Australia to ensure the preservation of rare fruit species for generations to come.

Over 500 rare and endangered fruit trees have been planted, including apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, quinces, pomegranates, grapes, loquats and one of the most extensive fig collections in Australia.

While encouraging a strong future for rare fruit varieties, the Rare Fruit Arboretum is also used by Neutrog’s R&D team to carry out fertiliser and biological application performance trials, as well as aiding in research into the microbiology in and around the root zone of each species to determine their optimum nutritional and biological needs.

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