Sudden Impact for Lawns Advanced Biological Formula

Sudden Impact for Lawns Advanced Biological Formula is a complete, biological fertiliser in a liquid form, specifically designed to provide a full range of nutrients and biology in a soluble format, able to be taken up by the plant - through the leaf, roots and soil.

Available as:

Product Specification

Product Benefits

  • Sudden Impact for Lawns is a dual-purpose fertiliser, containing Neutrog’s advanced soil biological formula POPUL8.
  • The formula contains a full range of nutrients and ideal for correcting nutrient deficiencies and stress.
  • Sudden Impact for Lawns provides a quicker response than granules or pellets.
  • Recommended by Graham Ross.
  • Available in sizes 1L and 2L Hose On. Not all sizes are available in all stores.

Use & Storage


Dilute one capful (40mL) of Sudden Impact for Lawns in a 9 litre watering can will treat up to 8m2 of lawn.

For optimum results apply every month for lush, green lawn.

Ready to Use Hose On:
The contents of the Hose On bottle will cover 150m2 of lawn. Use every 4-8 weeks from spring to early winter.

Storage & Use

Always apply during the cooler hours of the day and water in lightly after application. As the product contains Iron, it may stain hard surfaces so should be rinsed off if there is any overspray.

Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Shake well before use. Do not mix with other fungicides or bactericides. Use diluted product within one (1) week of dilution.

Analysis Table

Nitrogen (N)116.4
Phosphorus (P)10.1
Potassium (K)63.0
Sulphur (S)59.0
Iron (Fe)12.6
Magnesium (Mg)4.5

Safety Directions

This product contains a variety of naturally occurring living micro-organisms. It is recommended that a mask, gloves and eyewear is worn when handling. Wash hands immediately after use. Not for consumption.

Product Brochures