Seamungus Commercial

Seamungus is a soil and plant conditioner containing seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. Suitable for all crops and soil types, Seamungus will aid in improved tolerance to environmental, climatic and production stress, as well as improved root development and overall plant health.

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Product Specification

Product Benefits

  • Seamungus is a year-round soil and plant conditioner and health tonic, suitable for use on all crops and soil types.
  • Holds up to 70% of its own weight in moisture, significantly increasing the soil’s ability to hold onto water and nutrients.
  • Seamungus is Australian Certified Organic (ACO)

Use & Storage


Seamungus can be used as a stand-alone application for new or established crops, or alternatively as a supplement to an existing program. It is suited for all turf, ornamental, vegetable and fruit crops.
As a pre-plant application or on established crops: 800-1200kgs per hectare
It is always best practice to confirm your crops nutritional needs through soil/leaf/ tissue analysis and agronomic advice.

Storage & Use

Apply around the dripline of plants and water in well after application.
Store in a cool place, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Analysis Table

Analysis (dry weight basis)%w/wWA ONLY
Nitrogen (N)As Organic*4.04.0
Phosphorus (P)As Citrate Soluble1.0<0.5
Potassium (K)As Organic*1.51.5
Calcium (Ca)As Organic*5.05.0
Magnesium (Mg)As Organic*0.80.8
Sulphur (S)As Organic*1.01.0
Iron (Fe)As Organic*0.50.5
Zinc (Zn)As Organic*0.030.03
Manganese (Mn)As Organic*0.0450.045
Molybdenum (Mo)As Organic*0.00030.0003
Boron (B)As Organic*0.040.04
Copper (Cu)As Organic*0.00750.0075
Water Holding Capacity60-70%60-70%
Humic Acid4-6%4-6%
Organic Matter60-65%60-65%
*This product is classified organic in accordance with the Agricultural Standards Regulation 1997

Safety Directions

This product contains a variety of naturally occurring living micro-organisms. It is recommended that a mask, gloves, and eyewear is worn when handling. Wash hands immediately after use. Not for consumption.

Accreditations & Endorsements

Product Brochures

Safety Data Sheets