Taking over an established farm can come with challenges, and as Alecs and John from Sugarbloom Farms have found out, just a few basic changes can have big results.

After taking over an established Australian and South African native flower farm a couple of years ago in South Australia’s Encounter Bay, Alecs and John found themselves with the repercussions of land that had been maintained with low water and chemical based principles.
“It had been operating for 20 years with a lot of poison, synthetic fertilisers, and low water consumption. The flowers were quite short of stem and low in numbers. Too many flowers were not market grade. We have the production books from every historical year so we are able to precisely monitor changes in output.”
Improving the health of the farm started with the removal of poisons, and the water output was increased to help the plants cope with the dry summer.
Bush Tucker was applied to each of the plants, providing a complete range of essential nutrients for root development and strong growth – and it didn’t take long for them to see significant results.

“Our little flower farm has doubled flower production from the same number of plants in only one year. Stem length has also increased considerably,” says Alecs. “We will continue to use your products in the best interests if our plants, the environment, and our bottom line.”
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