Based in the heart of rural Australia, is the brainchild of a passionate horticulturalist whose love for soil and organic farming drove her to establish a garlic farm where her diploma in Organic Farming could be put into practice.
What started as a small-scale study has quickly grown over the past decade into a thriving garlic farm spanning half an acre and yielding 50,000 bulbs annually, with a special appreciation for Australian purple turban varieties known for their robust flavour and generous size.
At Gulgong Garlic, the commitment to organic farming extends beyond mere practice — it’s a philosophy deeply rooted in every aspect of the operation. Utilising Seamungus and Rapid Raiser, along with regular applications of GOGO Juice, the focus on plant and soil health is paramount. This approach not only ensures robust crops but also fosters a healthy soil microbiology, essential for sustainable agriculture.
“Neutrog have been a game changer here on our farm. We absolutely love using Seamungus and Rapid Raiser throughout the first few months of growing time. We also do foliar sprays of GOGO Juice monthly throughout the season to promote a healthy, diverse soil microbiology and therefore stronger plants. I think the focus on plant and soil health combined, is what I love and adore most about Neutrog. You just can’t have one without the other,” says Rachel.
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