Strike Back for Orchids

Strike Back for Orchids is a complete, organic based boosted fertiliser, specifically developed to enhance the growth and flower development of orchids and all potted flowering and fruiting plants.

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Product Specification

Product Benefits

  • Strike Back for Orchids contains a range of plant nutrients, in a slow-release form.
  • It enhances growth and flower development for orchids and all other potted flowering and fruiting plants.
  • Stike Back for Orchids is organically based, nutritionally boosted and in a slow-release form.
  • Available in sizes 500g, 1.5kg and 4kg. Not all sizes are available in all stores.

Use & Storage


Apply 20g (approximately 2 teaspoons) per 8-inch pot per month, with relative increases/decreases dependent upon pot size.

Do not use Strike Back for Orchids on small or young plants (single growth or less than 12 months from propagation). We recommend using Seamungus or Rapid Raiser on all small or immature plants.

Storage & Use

Apply around the base of plants, water in well after application. Keep fertiliser away from the base of the plant and avoid contact with foliage or flowers.
Store in a cool place, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Analysis Table

Analysis (dry weight basis)%w/wWA ONLY
Nitrogen (N)as Organic1.741.74
as Ammonium5.965.96
Total Nitrogen (N)7.707.70
Phosphorus (P)as Organic1.230.0
as Citrate Soluble0.380.60
as Water Soluble2.020.0
Total Phosphorus (P)3.630.60
Potassium (K)as Organic0.740.74
as Sulphate9.139.13
Total Potassium (K)9.879.87
Calcium (Ca)as Organic2.872.87
as Water Soluble0.040.04
Total Calcium (Ca)2.912.91
Magnesium (Mg)as Organic0.270.27
as Sulphate0.250.25
Total Magnesium (Mg)0.520.52
Sulphur (S)as Organic0.820.82
as Sulphate8.978.97
Total Sulphur (S)9.799.79
Iron (Fe)as Organic0.080.08
as Sulphate0.400.40
Total Iron (Fe)0.480.48
Zinc (Zn)as Organic0.0140.014
as Sulphate0.0230.023
Total Zinc (Zn)0.0370.037
Copper (Cu)as Organic0.00030.0003
as Sulphate0.03130.0313
Total Copper (Cu)0.03160.0316
Manganese (Mn)as Organic0.02050.0205
as Sulphate0.08080.0808
Total Manganese (Mn)0.10130.1013
Molybdenum (Mo)as Organic0.0030.003
Boron (B)as Organic0.090.09

Safety Directions

This product contains a variety of naturally occurring living micro-organisms. It is recommended that a mask, gloves and eyewear is worn when handling. Wash hands immediately after use. Not for consumption.

Accreditations & Endorsements

Product Brochures

Safety Data Sheets