
Lime works to reduce soil acidity by increasing your soils pH level, allowing more nutrients to become available to your plants. Lime also helps to improve soil structure, assists in breaking down the organic matter in your soil and encourages earthworm activity.

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Product Specification

Product Benefits

  • Lime reduces soil acidity by increasing your soils , allowing more nutrients to become available to your plants.
  • Improves soil structure and assists in breaking down the matter in your soil.
  • Encourages earthworm activity.
  • Available in a 20kg bag.

Use & Storage


Apply 100-200g per square metre, spread evenly over the soil surface.

Handy Hint: One standard cup will hold approximately 150g.

Storage & Use

Application rates are a guide only and depend on your current soil pH levels. We recommend using a soil testing kit to determine the acidity/alkalinity of the soil.

Not recommended for use near acid loving plants such as camellias, azaleas, and rhododendrons.

Store in a cool place, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Analysis Table

Analysis (dry weight basis)%w/w
Calcium (Ca)38.8
Magnesium (Mg)<1
Total Neutralising Value (NV)98
Fine Material (<1mm)75
Coarse Material (>1mm)25

Safety Directions

This product contains a variety of naturally occurring living micro-organisms. It is recommended that a mask, gloves and eyewear is worn when handling. Wash hands immediately after use. Not for consumption.

Safety Data Sheets