Dolomite Lime

Dolomite Lime works to reduce soil acidity by increasing your soils pH level, allowing more nutrients to become available to your plants. It is also a rich source of important trace elements including magnesium and calcium.

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Product Specification

Product Benefits

  • Lime reduces soil acidity by increasing your soils pH level, allowing more nutrients to become available to your plants.
  • Improves soil structure, assists in breaking down the organic matter in your soil and encourages earthworm activity.
  • Includes trace elements magnesium and calcium.
  • Can be supplied in 20kg bags or 1000kg bulk bags.

Use & Storage


Spread evenly on the soil surface at a rate of 100-200g (approximately 1-2 handfuls) per square metre.

Storage & Use

Application rates are a guide only and depend on your current soil pH levels. We recommend using a soil testing kit to determine the acidity/alkalinity of the soil.

Not recommended for use near acid loving plants such as camellias, azaleas, and rhododendrons.

Store in a cool place, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Analysis Table

Analysis (dry weight basis)%w/w
Calcium (Ca)24
Magnesium (Mg)as Magnesium Carbonate11
Total Neutralising Value (NV)105
Fine Material (<1mm)91
Coarse Material (>1mm)9

Safety Directions

This product contains a variety of naturally occurring living micro-organisms. It is recommended that a mask, gloves, and eyewear is worn when handling. Wash hands immediately after use. Not for consumption.

Accreditations & Endorsements

  • Freshcare Recognised

Safety Data Sheets